Boon, B. (2009). Using the CREW Method to Enhance Public and School Library Collections. Journal Of Access Services, 6(3), 324-336. doi: 10.1080/15367960902894179
CREW is a weeding system that was developed by Joseph P Segal in the 1980s. CREW was implemented by different libraries in the 1990s. CREW stands for Continuous Review, Evaluation, and Weeding. It is a process that works to make weeding a continuous and small-scale project in a library rather than a daunting task that is done on occasion.
Weeding is a process of removing books and other materials from circulation in the library. There are a few criteria that would make something eligible for weeding, such as being old or damaged, containing incorrect or outdated information, or a material that does not fit the needs of the library patrons. Before a library starts the weeding process the library should have a plan of action for weeding, and a plan to make it a part of the collections policy, as well as part of the regular workings of the library. Before library employees start weeding they can check the shelves and inventory to make a quick visual check of books or materials that may fit their deselection criteria. They can also see more easily if there is a section of the collection that is in more need of weeding than another.
To be able to weed properly one can use these criteria as a starting point for their weeding task. The third, materials that do not fit the needs of the patrons, will change from library to library, so it is important to understand the needs of the library patrons. It is also best to look at each part of the collection differently. For example, the needs of the children's section, the adult fiction section, and nonfiction sections are all going to be different. Knowing the goals of each section of the collection, as well as the libraries role in the community can be very helpful to make sure that the deselection process is keeping the books and materials that are still useful to the library. While weeding it is important to keep notes on what books need to be trashed, donated, or sent to be recycled.
After weeding it is important to keep weeding as a regular process in the library, as well as making sure to dispose of any weeded books properly. Keeping a well-curated and weeded collection allows patrons to more easily find the books and materials they need and want, as well as making sure that the materials they have access to are in good condition and have current and helpful information contained within them.
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